Our services

Hygiene Therapy

Did you know that healthy teeth and gums contribute to overall health or that issues with your mouth can affect other aspects of your body? Your mouth is the entry point for your digestive and respiratory tracts. Without proper care, brushing, flossing, regular cleaning and check-ups can allow disease-causing bacteria to enter your body.

With proper oral care, the body’s natural defences are good at keeping bacteria under control. Without proper care, bacteria can lead to infections, gum disease and tooth decay.

Did you know?

Healthy teeth and gums contribute to overall health or that issues with your mouth can affect other aspects of your body? Your mouth is the entry point for your digestive and respiratory tracts. Without proper care, brushing, flossing, regular cleaning and check-ups can allow disease-causing bacteria to enter your body.

With proper oral care, the body’s natural defences are good at keeping bacteria under control. Without proper care, bacteria can lead to infections, gum disease and tooth decay. Studies suggest that oral bacteria and inflammation associated with periodontitis (gum disease) can play a role in other diseases. Conditions linked to poor oral health include endocarditis (infection of the inner lining of heart chambers or valves), cardiovascular disease, pregnancy and birth complications, pneumonia, diabetes, osteoporosis and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Your everyday habits, from brushing and flossing to exercise and the foods you eat, impact your oral health. It remains important to see your dentist for cleanings and check-ups twice a year. Not only will your dentist ensure your teeth are clean and cavity-free, but they will also be able to note any potential issues and offer well-considered treatment options.  

Learn how to maintain good oral health for a lifetime!

Not only will your dental hygienist ensure your teeth are clean and cavity-free, but they will also be able to note any potential issues and offer well-considered treatment options.